Serving the Community since 1977
(703) 971-2127
puppies and kittens puppies and kittens puppies and kittens
Get Your Puppy and Kitten off to a Great Start at Hayfield Animal Hospital
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puppies and kittens puppies and kittens
puppies and kittens
Puppies and kittens require special care for proper growth and healthy development. The veterinarians of Hayfield Animal Hospital offer years of experience in caring for your youngest pets. Our progressive approach is all-inclusive, addressing your pet care needs from disease prevention to proper pet behavior.
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puppies and kittens puppies and kittens
puppies and kittens
Before You Bring Your New Puppy or Kitten Home
There are certain basic pet care needs that you should address before you even bring your new puppy or kitten home.
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puppies and kittens
puppies and kittens
puppies and kittens
puppies and kittens
puppies and kittens
puppies and kittens
puppies and kittens
puppies and kittens puppies and kittens puppies and kittens puppies and kittens puppies and kittens puppies and kittens puppies and kittens puppies and kittens puppies and kittens puppies and kittens
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Preparing for your New Pet Visit
Regardless of your young pet’s needs, at Perinton we will provide first-class services to keep them healthy and playful. Some of the other services we provide are:
It is important to schedule your new pet’s first check-up as soon as possible. During this appointment, we will perform a complete head-to-toe physical examination to check for any potential health care issues.
In addition, we will create a course of disease and parasite prevention protocols which we will tailor to your pet’s needs. We will also provide nutritional counseling and advice regarding socialization, behavior, and house training.
You will need to schedule several visits during your puppy or kitten’s first year of life, to ensure they get proper monitoring, vaccinations, and preventative care. Here is a typical schedule for a puppy or kitten’s first year, though each pet is unique and your schedule will be tailored specifically to your pet.
We need your help to make your pet's visit as Fear Free as possible. One thing you can do is to ensure that your pet gets to the veterinary hospital in a calm state of mind. The following tips will help you and your pet arrive in one piece and in peace.
** Talk to your veterinarian anout carsickness and anxiety. We may be able to prescripe anti-nausea or anti-anxiety supplements or medications. **
8 Weeks
12 weeks
16 weeks
6 months
8 weeks
10 weeks
12 weeks
14 weeks
16 weeks
6 months-2 years
16 months
Peggy Robinson
Carol Keefe
Megan Dion
Shannon Teague
Peggy Robinson
Carol Keefe
Megan Dion
Shannon Teague