Dental Care

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Preventative Dental Care is The Best Dental Care

(703) 971-2127 

A Full Line of Veterinary Dental Services

Our dental services include…

  • Teeth Cleaning and Polishing
  • Tooth Extractions
  • Dental X-Rays
  • Oral Surgery

Ask the veterinarian during your pet’s annual exam if a routine dental cleaning is recommended for your pet.

Improve & Maintain Your Pet's Oral Health

Just like humans, dogs and cats need their teeth cleaned from time to time, too. Dentistry is one of the most overlooked aspects of any pet’s health. Your pet’s oral health is vital – it can profoundly affect their overall well-being. Dental hygiene problems can lead to a slew of other health problems.

The Importance of Preventative Care

Studies show that 50% of all dogs and cats have some form of periodontal disease. That number jumps to 75% when you look at pets over age three. Left untreated, periodontal disease  can cause infection, pain and tooth loss over time. It can also lead to microscopic changes in the heart, liver and kidneys and can cause serious health problems for your pet.

When it comes to your pet’s oral health, preventative care is key. By taking the time today to keep your pet’s teeth clean, you can protect them and help them avoid more serious problems later on down the road.

At Hayfield Animal Hospital, we offer routine dental checkups for dogs and cats. Our pet dentists in Alexandria perform comprehensive exams to ensure your pet’s tooth and gum health. We can thoroughly clean their teeth and discuss any potential problems we encounter. We can also provide you with helpful tips and tricks to continue maintaining your pet’s dental health at home.

Our Pet Teeth Cleaning

Our pet dental cleaning service involves ultrasonic and hand scaling to remove tartar from the teeth. We also use a probe to evaluate pockets below the gum line, and every patient receives full mouth x-rays. Our digital x-ray technology allows us to safely view your pet’s teeth below the gum line, as this is where a large number of oral problems are found. After the cleaning is complete and any required treatments are administered, we polish the teeth, creating a smooth surface that is more resistant to plaque and tartar build-up

When to Schedule a Dental Appointment for your Pet
Many pet owners don’t even think to check on their furry friend’s teeth, but good oral hygiene can make all the difference in your pet’s overall health and well-being.
We recommend scheduling an appointment at least once a year, or more frequently if you notice problems such as:
  • Bad breath
  • Broken, loose, or missing teeth
  • Severely discolored teeth
  • Strange chewing or drooling habits
  • A refusal to eat or a lack of appetite
  • Bleeding from gums
  • Swelling in or around the mouth

Do not hesitate to reach out to our veterinarians if you have any questions about your pet’s oral health or if you have any pressing concerns. We would be happy to help and to conduct a thorough dental checkup. If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, your pooch could have periodontal disease. But don’t worry, help is here! Call or Text us (703)971-2127

Call or Text Us


The American Animal Hospital Association recommends regular oral examinations and dental cleanings, under general anesthesia, for all adult dogs and cats. A veterinarian should evaluate your pet’s dental health at least once a year. This is recommended because bacteria and food debris accumulates around a pet’s teeth and if left unchecked, will lead to deterioration of the soft tissue and bone surrounding the teeth. This decay results in irreversible periodontal disease and even tooth loss. We can recommend and demonstrate preventative measures you can begin at home. Our wellness program emphasizes and explains how you can avoid costly dental procedures with your pet in the future.
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